touching sounds, that’s the difference.


In this modest but cosy space you will find all the classic services offered by a recording studio:


At Haptós we know how creativity works: it's all about time and tons of experimentation, right? Well, here's the scoop: we're not the clock-watching type.

We're here to help you with your small and medium productions without time pressure. Do you want to work part-time or full-time? It's up to you. For longer projects, we offer personalised budgets. We adapt to your pace and the needs of your project.

More than a space, we are your creative partner. We care for everything to nurture your ideas, ensuring your vision gets the ideal treatment. Your work is valuable and we're happy to support you every step of the way.


Do you have finished recordings you've made at home or in another studio? Great! come and listen to what they would sound like in our space!

Feel free to bring your stems and head into our studio for an experimental mixing session. You'll witness a meticulous refinement of every sonic nuance within our meticulously designed environment.

Our control room features elite acoustics and a state-of-the-art monitoring system. Together, we will take your project to a new level of sonic sophistication. We're here to collaborate on those intricate sound tweaks and refinements, enhancing your project with precision and finesse.

Dolby Atmos

Haptós ventures beyond the boundaries of conventional recording studios, unveiling a realm of sonic possibilities.

Inside our space is a state-of-the-art control room with a 7.4.2 speaker system certified and adapted for Dolby Atmos mixes. Curious about what this system can bring to your productions? We cordially invite you to experience it first-hand.

Bring your stems and immerse yourself in the incomparable soundscape offered by our setup. Let us show you the extraordinary potential of this system, redesigning your creations and giving them new sonic narratives.


When it comes to working with sound, it's not just about knowing your gear. Think about it—how does the space around you affect what you hear? It's a big part of how we experience sound!

Our studio is all about diving deep into making sounds feel like it's coming from everywhere. We're inviting all kinds of creators—musicians, performers, sound wizards, and visual artists—to rethink how their projects sound. Let's take your audience on a journey with sounds that go beyond the ordinary.

Here at our place, we're all about pushing the limits of how sound surrounds us. Whether it's using cool stuff like Ambisonics, Wavefield Synthesis, or other tech that makes sound feel three-dimensional, we're here to help your art pop in new and exciting ways.

If you like, take a look at the sound art projects we have developed over the last few years. Here you can get a clearer idea of how space contributes to and shapes our auditory perception. If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to write to us.